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Get in touch

Canada's Best Value Inn & Suites

3081 Route 1A
Summerside, PEI

C1N 4J9 
Tel: 1-902-436-5564
Toll Free: 1-866-494-5233
Fax: 1-902-436-3132

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From the Confederation Bridge :
(Approx 20 minutes)


-  Upon coming off the Confederation Bridge , follow the signs for "Summerside"


- This will bring you onto the Route 1A highway. 


- Continue following this highway towards Summerside ; as you pass through North Bedeque we are located on your left hand side. 


From the Charlottetown Airport : 


- Take Route #2 heading west towards Summerside


- You will pass through a small community called "Kensington" . Continue through Kensington on Route #2. ( You will need to take a left at the stop lights in Kensington, continuing on Route #2). 


- You will come to a traffic circle . At this traffic circle, follow the signs which indicate " Summerside / Borden - Carelton" This is the Route 1A highway. 


- Continue on Route 1A highway . Canada's Best Value will be located on your right. 

© 2013 by Canada's Best Value Inn & Suites Summerside

Call us now to book:

​1-866-494-5233 or 902-436-5564
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